I live in an old neighbourhood where many of the houses are very close together. Our house is on a corner so we have only one close neighbour, but that one is very close. There is probably only about 18 feet between our house and the neighbour's screened porch, just enough to allow for passage between the houses. The people who live next door are not gardeners, and don't mind that I use the little strip of their land -- about 4 feet wide -- to plant, and in return I keep it tidy and pretty. But one spot has always been a problem -- the earth banked against their foundation grows a wonderful crop of weeds. I have pretty much left it alone because it is really poor soil, and I don't have to look at it because I keep the blinds down on that side. But now I want to improve things there, and I am beginning to plant.
I have a load of leaf mulch coming tomorrow, and I will lay down newspaper and mulch to cover the weeds and plant ground cover through the layers. In the back garden I found two spotted ajugas (I HATE those things, but they were free!) and a forsythia (ditto) and have moved them to there, plus a PeeGee Hydrangea Tardiva. I have also started two flats of pachysandra cuttings, and plan to use those, some golden lysimachia, and blue ajuga to plant below the shrubs.
So, here's what it looks like now, and I will have to wait to see what will transpire!
1 comment:
I'm not familiar with the plants, so I don't have a picture in my mind, but I'm sure it will be lovely!
When I went out to fill my birdfeeders this morning, I got a nice surprise! I have a "mystery bush" in my fence line. I couldn't tell if it was something I had planted, or a very large weed. Whatever it is, it has some gently-yellow flowers on it, and is very pretty!
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